Calcium and Magnesium - Calmag - Natural Fertilizer for Deficiencies - Vegetative Growth - Bone & Muscle

  • 100% natural fertilizer to cover calcium and magnesium deficiencies in the growth phase of your crop. These two elements are vital for the development of your plants.

  • Liquid format with a high concentration of calcium, also enriched with magnesium and microelements.

  • Magnesium promotes the formation of chlorophyll and metabolism in your plant, while calcium is involved in the process of protein synthesis.
Vol: 250 ml


BONE & MUSCLE is a 100% organic liquid fertilizer based on calcium and magnesium, for use in any crop. It is specially designed for therapeutic plants.

When applied, it activates the flow of nutrients, releasing the minerals calcium and magnesium into the soil, which stimulate the metabolism of the plant, improving the development of growth and the quality of fruits and buds, during flowering.

Unique, biostimulant manufacturing process that combines protein extract, with highly concentrated amounts of calcium and magnesium, prevents any physiological and nutritional imbalance of the plant.


This fertilizer based on calcium and magnesium mainly is indicated to correct deficiencies and satisfy the special needs of these elements for crops. The individual needs of each plant must be taken into account in order to obtain optimum harvest performance.

With BONE & MUSCLE, we will obtain the following benefits:

  • Ensures proper growth development.
  • Improve the coloring of the leaves, and obtain brighter buds.
  • The plant will gain in force.
  • Protects the soil, thanks to the positive action of organic matter, reducing losses due to fixation and leaching in the soil.
  • Strengthens the cell walls of plants.
  • Induction of defenses.


Apply when Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies are noted. Add between 2 and 4 ml of Bone & Muscle for each liter of water, once or twice a week until the deficiencies are corrected. It can be applied during the growth phase and until the third or fourth week of flowering, DO NOT APPLY late in flowering. Water when you stop giving light to the plant.

                              BONE & MUSCLE
Calcium 11%
Magnesium 5%
Nitrogen 11%
Potasio 2%


Calcium is related to the vigor of the plant and therefore its development. It activates the metabolism and the assimilation of nutrients, thanks to calcium, which makes it more effective.

It is essential for the construction of cell walls. Thanks to this, it improves the strength of the plant and helps in times of maximum growth. It also helps with high summer temperatures and humidity.

Perfect for use at the beginning of the season of each crop, valid for indoor, outdoor, autoflowering and hydroponics.

Recommended for foliar application, during periods of maximum growth or high temperature. Also when you notice a lack of calcium or magnesium in your plant.

It can be used during the beginning of the crop, until the middle of the flowering phase, to support the plants in their supply of calcium and magnesium with a balanced proportion, especially in the growth stage. DO NOT APPLY IN ADVANCED FLOWERING OR BOTTLING STAGE.

questions Costantino on 2021-12-22 15:14:02

Come va somministrato? Tabella dosaggi? Non la trovo mi aiutate a capire le quantità la frequenza e se posso abbinarli insieme al solito nutrimento che utilizzo giornalmente oppure se devo somministrarlo in diversi momenti, va dato radicalmente o fogliame? Grazie siete il meglio resto in attesa di riscontro.


Ciao buon giorno,

l'applicazione è root.

Dovresti applicarlo quando noti carenze di calcio o magnesio nella tua pianta.

La dose consigliata è da 2 a 4 ml di prodotto per litro di acqua di irrigazione.

Può essere applicato solo dall'inizio della coltura alla metà della fioritura, quando si notano carenze di Calcio o Magnesio.

Può essere applicato una o due volte a settimana.

Quando lo applicheremo, ridurremo della metà la dose del resto del prodotto per non fertilizzare eccessivamente la pianta.

Preferibilmente, come per il resto dei prodotti, è meglio mettere dosi anche inferiori a quelle consigliate e osservare la pianta per non correre rischi, man mano che la pianta evolve aumenteremo o diminuiremo la dosei.

Grazie mille per il tuo interesse, qualunque cosa tu abbia bisogno, siamo a tua disposizione.

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